Friday, October 12, 2012

Cooking Classes for the Masses...The Begining

Let me start off by saying, "Hello", to anyone reading this blog. My name is Jon Grossman, I graduated from Joliet Junior College on May 18, 2012 after three years of school and 15 years working in restaurant, I have learned many things in my Culinary road. Although the title of my blog is called "Cooking Classes for the Masses", I'm going to talk about more than just cooking. Things that I feel need to be said to new Culinary Students, Foodies, and any one that loves to cook and work in this great industry of ours.
For those new Culinary student, This is a hard road to travel  many long and tiring hours, and low, let me say again, low pay. There is no instant, you're a chef. I have work for 16 years in this industry, and some times I feel I'm not even a Chef, even with the degree. I have been Chef of Rookies Gastro Pub for 3 Months and still find it odd to be called Chef, from employee's to my vendors, I'm still getting used to the title. I have traveled a long and sometimes lonely road. 
Let's start with a Gastro pub, or rather what is a Gastro pub. Webster's defines a Gastro pub as,"a pub, bar, or tavern that offers meals of high quality." This is very true in the case of Rookies, With our regular sandwiches, a club or BLT, or Like our Minced Lamb Burger. More upscale, and classic bar food. I try to tailor the food on my menu to the bar theme but more flavors and a lot more homemade than your normal bar. Many of these Gastro Pub started in England and Ireland, and have slowly worked there way into the USA. I will give you an example of an item on our new menu, which I hope will be a big seller.
Mac and cheese
A kids classic taken to the adult level.. Sauteed leeks and mushrooms tossed with mac and cheese and pieces of lobster tail and then topped with  truffle bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Bubbly, creamy and Delicious.

Am I making your mouth water yet. I hope I am.

Until next time Culinary Cowboys......

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